About Fuji Classics


Fuji Classicsでは、本場アメリカから輸入したアメ車と日本から独自に調達した高品質な車を提供しています。当社は車に対する強い情熱を持った、真の車好きの集まりです。

What makes Fuji Classics different from other importers?

Born and raised in the Pacific Northwest, USA, I first moved to Japan in 2016 to experience the car culture first hand. In late 2019, I founded Fuji Classics with a goal to build premium cars that are authentic to the culture and enjoyable to drive.

Working in collaboration with A.Q.M. Company, owned by co-founder of Apex Racing - APR, Mr. Minoru, vehicle's bound for global export receive the highest level of workmanship by professionally trained mechanics and painters. With immediate access to all of the well known brands across Japan, such as HKS, Final Konnexion, D-MAX, URAS, GReddy, and many others. All of our cars are built using authentic parts.

Here at Fuji Classics, we are genuine car enthusiasts with the same passions as you.
Our goal is to be as transparent as possible with the modifying process, making sure to document each vehicle from start to finish for your viewing pleasure. By doing so we are able to share the history, heritage and a unique story to go along with your future dream car.


Introduction | スタッフ紹介

Tanner Selzler

好きな車:GEN II カマロ / FD3S

Austin Koski

USA Stateside Contact
好きな車: C2 コルベット / 33 GTR

FOR American CARS | Maintenance & Restorations
